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AR State Chamber Daily Legislative Update

AR State Chamber Daily Legislative Update



The Senate will convene at 10 a.m., and the Senate State Agencies Committee will meet after the Senate adjourns. House Health, Education and Judiciary Committees will meet at 10 a.m., and the House will convene at 1:30 p.m.

To view committee schedules, agendas, and live streams—including live coverage of the House and Senate—visit

SB 141 – Sen. Brian King

This bill seeks to eliminate funding to the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement. It is on today’s agenda in the Senate State Agencies Committee. We oppose this bill.

HB 1049 – Rep. Dwight Tosh and Sen. Ron Caldwell

This bill would amend Arkansas law concerning criminal offenses and criminalize unlawful squatting. This bill received a Do Pass recommendation yesterday from the Senate Judiciary Committee and is on this morning’s Senate Calendar. We support this bill.

HB 1221 thru 1223 - Rep. David Ray and Sen. Kim Hammer

These three bills seek to improve the ballot initiative process. These bills are on today’s agenda in the Senate State Agencies Committee.

  • HB 1221 – Seeks to amend Arkansas law concerning initiatives, referenda, and constitutional amendments.
  • HB 1222 - To require the Attorney General to review ballot titles for conflicts with the United States Constitution and federal statutes and to prohibit the submission of multiple initiative petitions and referendum petitions.
  • HB 1223 – To allow a candidate for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court or Judge of the Court of Appeals who is serving as an appointee to use the title of that position as a prefix on the ballot.

SB 188 – Sen. Clarke Tucker

This bill seeks to amend Arkansas law concerning initiative petitions and referendum petitions and to require public posting of statewide initiative petitions and referendum petitions. The bill is on today’s agenda in the Senate State Agencies Committee.

HB 1411 – Rep. Matthew Shepherd and Sen. Matt Stone

This bill clarifies the regulation of carbon capture and sequestration and establishes the Carbon Dioxide Storage Fund. The bill received a Do Pass recommendation yesterday from the House Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development Committee and is on today’s House Calendar.

HB 1412 – Rep. Matthew Shepherd and Sen. Matt Stone

This bill clarifies pipeline safety regulations for hazardous liquids and carbon dioxide transportation. It received a Do Pass recommendation yesterday from the House Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development Committee and is on this afternoon’s House Calendar.

HB 1312 – Rep. Keith Brooks

This bill adjusts public school funding allocations under the Public School Funding Act of 2003. It is on today’s agenda in the House Education Committee.

HB 1445 – Rep. Brent McKenzie and Sen. Josh Bryant

An act to prohibit certain restrictions on the regulation of short-term rentals and for other purposes. This bill received a Do Pass recommendation yesterday from the House City, County and Local Committee and is on this afternoon’s House Calendar.


HB 1069 – Rep. Stephen Meeks

This bill originally sought to make standard time permanent in Arkansas. An amendment has been filed that would allow Arkansas to follow the federal government if it adopts permanent daylight savings time. This bill is on todays’ House Calendar to adopt the amendment.


HB 1204 – Rep. Jon Eubanks and Sen. Missy Irvin

This bill establishes recovery of damages for necessary medical expenses. The bill was signed by Governor Sanders yesterday as Act 28We support this bill.


SB 2 – Sen. Clint Penzo and Rep. Matt Duffield

This bill seeks to repeal the statewide fluoridation program and remove the mandate for water systems to maintain a fluoride content. This bill was defeated in the Senate Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee yesterday. We oppose this bill.


SB 207 thru 211 - Sen. Kim Hammer and Rep. Kendon Underwood

The following bills from the Secretary of State’s office seek to improve the ballot initiative process. These bills were considered on the Senate floor yesterday afternoon.

  • SB 207 – Amends laws regarding initiative and referendum petitions, requiring canvassers to disclose that petition fraud is a Class A misdemeanor. Passed 25-7
  • SB 208 – Requires canvassers to request photo identification before obtaining a petition signature. Passed 27-6
  • SB 209 – Disqualifies signatures obtained by a canvasser under specific circumstances. Passed 21-11
  • SB 210 – Requires petition signers to read the ballot title in the presence of a canvasser. Passed 22-10
  • SB 211 – Mandates that canvassers submit an affidavit before collected petition signatures can be counted. Passed 24-9

HB 1177 – Rep. Matt Brown and Sen. Blake Johnson

This bill seeks to amend the Arkansas Franchise Practices Act and to clarify the applicability of the Arkansas Franchise Practices Act. This bill was defeated in the House Insurance and Commerce Committee yesterday.


HB 1435 – Rep. Brandon Achor and Sen. Jane English

This bill seeks to amend the law regarding income tax credits for child care by modifying the employer-provided child care credit and establishing a new income tax credit for licensed childcare providers. This bill awaits consideration in the House Revenue and Taxation CommitteeWe support this bill.




Yesterday was the deadline to file Joint Resolutions proposing constitutional amendments. The House filed seven new resolutions, bringing its total for the session to 20, while the Senate filed nine, bringing its total to 24. The resolutions filed yesterday are listed in the New Bills section below. A full list will be published in Friday or Monday’s update. The General Assembly may refer up to three measures to the 2026 general election ballot.




We added 25 bills to our tracking list based on yesterday’s filings.


House Bills

HB 1457 – Rep. Lee Johnson

Requires public schools to use a uniform statewide data collection system for reporting students’ individualized education programs (IEPs). Referred to the House Education Committee.

HB 1460 – Rep. Lee Johnson

Amends appointment procedures for certain boards, commissions, and councils based on congressional districts. Referred to the House State Agencies Committee.

HB 1464 – Rep. DeAnn Vaught

Establishes a sales and use tax exemption for parts and repairs of agricultural equipment and machinery. Referred to the House Revenue and Taxation Committee.

HB 1466 – Rep. Brandon Achor and Sen. Justin Boyd

Amends the Fair Mortgage Lending Act. Referred to the House Insurance and Commerce Committee.

HB 1467 – Rep. Brandon Achor and Sen. Justin Boyd

Amends the Uniform Money Services Act. Referred to the House Insurance and Commerce Committee.

House Joint Resolutions

All referred to the House State Agencies Committee.

HJR 1014 – Rep. Howard Beaty and Sen. Jonathan Dismang

Proposes a constitutional amendment authorizing the creation of economic development districts.

HJR 1015 – Rep. Robin Lundstrum and Sen. Gary Stubblefield

Requires judicial candidates to declare their political party affiliation or independent status.

HJR 1016 – Rep. David Ray

Repeals the provision allowing sponsors of initiative or referendum petitions to amend them after submission.

HJR 1017 – Rep. David Ray and Sen. John Payton

Requires both a majority of votes cast and a majority of counties to approve statewide initiatives or constitutional amendments.

HJR 1018 – Rep. David Ray and Sen. John Payton

The "Citizens Only Voting Amendment."

HJR 1019 – Rep. Stephen Meeks

Removes references to greyhound racing from Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 100.

HJR 1020 – Rep. Karilyn Brown and Sen. Ben Gilmore

Establishes a "Victim’s Bill of Rights" for victims of violent and sexual offenses.

Senate Bills

SB 219 – Sen. Jonathan Dismang and Rep. Les Eaves

Repeals the sunset provision of the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Special Privilege Tax Act of 2017. Referred to the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee.

SB 220 – Sen. Justin Boyd and Rep. Brandon Achor

Amends the Arkansas Securities Act to clarify exempt transactions. Referred to the Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee.

SB 221 – Sen. Breanne Davis and Rep. Lee Johnson

Prohibits certain contracting practices by risk-based provider organizations and amends the Medicaid Provider-Led Organized Care Act. Declares an emergency.

Referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

Senate Joint Resolutions

All referred to the Senate State Agencies Committee.

SJR 15 – Sen. Jonathan Dismang and Rep. Howard Beaty

Proposes a constitutional amendment to create economic development districts.

SJR 16 – Sen. Steve Crowell

Proposes a constitutional amendment to exempt certain real property from property tax. (Shell bill)

SJR 17 – Sen. Jim Dotson and Rep. Wayne Long

Proposes an "Arkansas Taxpayer Bill of Rights."

SJR 18 – Sen. John Payton

The "Citizens Only Voting Amendment."

SJR 19 – Sen. Mark Johnson

Exempts food and food ingredients from the excise tax under Amendment 75.

SJR 20 – Sen. Bryan King

Addresses vote requirements for approving constitutional amendments at general elections. (Shell resolution)

SJR 21 – Sen. Bryan King

Addresses vote requirements for approving initiated acts and constitutional amendments. (Shell resolution)

SJR 22 – Sen. Greg Leding and Rep. Diana Gonzales Worthen

Amends voter qualification requirements.

SJR 23 – Sen. Mark Johnson

Allows funds from Amendment 91 to be used for multilane highway improvements. (Shell resolution)

SJR 24 – Sen. Mark Johnson

Addresses ballot titles for initiated measures. (Shell resolution)

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